Christmas Services
At Christmas we celebrate the gift of God’s love made real and tangible among us with the birth of Christ. Since each service is distinct, the descriptions below will help you decide the best fit for your family.
Please Note: Families worship together on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so there is no childcare or children’s programming during the services. We do have a space just outside the sanctuary that kids can play and adults can still hear the service.

Christmas Eve
- 11:00 am | Songs and Story Service for Young Families
This casual service includes Christmas carols and the Christmas story. Primarily geared towards families with young children, this service is much appreciated by parents and grandparents with wiggly young ones. Approx. 30 minutes. - 4:00 pm | Family Service with Carols and Communion
This service incorporates more traditional elements and is adapted for a child friendly audience. The service includes a pageant from the pews, Christmas carols, communion, and candlelit singing of Silent Night at the end (with glow sticks available for our smallest participants). Approx. 60-75 minutes. - 8:00 pm | Traditional Service with Communion, Choir, and Brass
This service is typically our largest and most traditional. The choir and brass provide beautiful musical support to our worship. The sermon points us towards the miracle of the incarnation. We share communion together and end with a candlelit singing of Silent Night. Approx. 75 to 90 minutes. If you are unable to attend in person, livestream is available.
Christmas Day
- 9:00 am | Contemplative Service with Communion
This quiet morning service is a beautiful way to begin Christmas. There is music, but we only sing the first verse of most carols at this lightly attended service. We share communion and wish one another a Merry Christmas.