4C’s Men’s Group
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States +1 moreThis group meets the second Monday of the month to enjoy social time with one another. Join any time.
This group meets the second Monday of the month to enjoy social time with one another. Join any time.
This weekly group meets to reflect and share a time prayerful silence. The group meets on zoom and lasts about forty minutes.
Every Tuesday the North End Neighbors hosts a coffee chat at Indie Coffee Roasters at the North End development just five minutes from the church. You need to be on […]
This group studies a theme or book in the Bible over a few months. New people are welcome at any time.
Volunteers lead a book group by reading a chapter together. If interested in begin part of a rotating group of volunteers, please reach out to the office at office@stchriscarmel.org to […]
Weekly reading and discussion class for those who appreciate thought-provoking theological content, introspective conversation, deep reflection, and wrestling with challenges to our preconceptions about issues or themes relevant to faith […]
Formation series for adults, meets every other Tuesday at 7pm until June 2025. For more information, contact Kirk King or the Parish office: 317-846-8716 x 1.
This group of women moves through a book over the period of a few months reflecting on one chapter at a time.
Group meets by zoom weekly; drop-ins welcome. Discussions focus on a short portion of commentary, with emphasis on practical life application. Fall book is NT Wright's Mark for Everyone, picking […]
The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings from September through May to provide musical leadership to our 10am worship.