Event Series Middle School Art Class

Middle School Art Class

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

Middle Schoolers in 6th-8th grade are invited to register for this six week art class series sponsored by a grant from our diocese.  Artist Kevin Wilson will lead each session, guiding the students in ways to reflect on who they are through art.  Space is limited to 15 students.  You do not need to be […]

Coffee Chat with North End Neighbors

Indie Coffee Roasters North End 525 N End Dr., Carmel, IN

Every Tuesday the North End Neighbors hosts a coffee chat at Indie Coffee Roasters at the North End development just five minutes from the church.  You need to be on the list of volunteers to sign up, and new volunteers are welcome.  North End Neighbors builds community with the adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities […]

Armchair Theologians

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

Weekly reading and discussion class for those who appreciate thought-provoking theological content, introspective conversation, deep reflection, and wrestling with challenges to our preconceptions about issues or themes relevant to faith […]

Children’s Chapel

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

Children's Chapel occurs during the 10am service.  Children (PK to 2nd grade) start in the sanctuary with families and process out to chapel and return at the Peace. Children learn Bible stories, pray together, and explore various themes during the year.

Youth Formation

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

Youth gather most Sundays during the school year from 11am to noon for a time of connection, reflection, and fun.  They gather in the Youth Lounge on the 2nd floor.

Youth Formation

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

Youth gather most Sundays during the school year from 11am to noon for a time of connection, reflection, and fun.  They gather in the Youth Lounge on the 2nd floor.

Parish Celebration

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel, IN, United States

We have a lot to celebrate today - our graduates, the end of the Sunday morning program year, and Cara's last Sunday before her summer sabbatical.  Join us for a  […]