Children’s Chapel

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel

Children's Chapel occurs during the 10am service.  Children (PK to 2nd grade) start in the sanctuary with families and process out to chapel and return at the Peace. Children learn Bible stories, pray together, and explore various themes during the year.

Event Series Youth Formation

Youth Formation

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel

Youth gather most Sundays during the school year from 11am to noon for a time of connection, reflection, and fun.  They gather in the Youth Lounge on the 2nd floor.

Forum: The History of St. Christopher’s

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1402 West Main Street, Carmel

Curious about St. Christopher's beginnings way back in the fifties? Join us as Carolyn Parrott presents "St. Christopher's Early History: Mysteries, Mistakes, Mischief, and More." Carolyn has spent considerable time […]