Families with Youth (12-17)
We foster the curiosity of youth and nurture belonging and compassion in our faith community.
Our youth are incorporated into, and thrive in, the full family of God at St. Christopher’s. We worship, learn, serve, and socialize all together. Many of our youth serve as acolytes and older youth can serve as intern leaders for the Children’s Chapel. With regular programming we help our youth to grow and participate in faith.
As a church we seek to provide a place for youth:
- PRAY: Know more about God so that they can nurture a relationship with God.
- PLAY: Enjoy God and one another through engaging activities and free space to be.
- EMBRACE GOD’S EXPANSIVE LOVE: Honor the sacred in self and one another through reflection and service.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does regular formation for youth look like?
Most Sundays from August to May our youth (6th grade -9th grade) gather in the youth lounge for donuts, games, a brief lesson, and conversation from 11:00 am to 12noon. Lessons can include Bible studies, stories of saints, and justice issues. Once a month the youth gather for something fun like Murder Mystery Nights, bowling, and lock-ins.
Are there any special offerings for youth?
Youth are invited to serve as acolytes (3rd-12th graders) and interns for Children’s Chapel (10th-12th graders). Confirmation preparation is offered every other year for 9th-10th graders. Confirmation will next be offered in 2024-2025. The diocese (our region’s network of Episcopal churches) offers summer camp and a yearly mission trip.
How are youth engaged in service to the community?
Engagement in service to the community increases youth’s awareness and embrace of God’s love and we are always seeking ways that youth can serve the church and wider community. Currently, they help assemble food packs on our packing Sundays and volunteer in the vegetable garden. With the assistance of their family, they shop to fill a holiday tote for the Mary Riggs Neighborhood Center or purchase extra food and hygiene supplies and place them in the Blessing Box in the parking lot. Through the youth program, youth can participate in a mission trip every summer with the diocese (our region of churches).